today. i must take some rests. but i'm so bored. i can't take those so long. my mom has just told me that i must go to sleep to makes me feel better. i just said "ya ya okay" but i didn't do that haha. ouch, my knee was scratched by a sharp corner of my computer desk. so it made a wound on my knee. the wound is not big but it's profoundness enough. hm, i wanna take betadine. bye.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
sakit lagiiii
kali ini gw ngepost panjaaang. kalo males, yaudah gausah baca. hehe jangan dong. baca aja dong. eh tapi kasian. yaudah terserah deh. yang penting gw nulis. ok...
oh iya bokap gw ulangtaun. udah lewat sih. tanggal 16 kemaren. jadi, jam 12 malem gw bangun. gw cuma bilang "slmt ulgtaun yah" tanpa kue tart atau cem2an lainya. soalnya gw sm nyokap gw lupa beliin kayak gituan. ya yang penting dia udah seneng deh ya gw bangun jam 12 malem cm buat nyelametin (semoga). nah di hari yang sama, cm beda jam, disekolah...
tiba2 aja pas abis istirahat pertama kok mata gw perih ya. maksudnya perih kalo misalnya kita lagi demam gitu. trs badan gw panas beneran akhirnya. badan gw jg sakiiit semuanya. terus pusing. akhirnya gw minta tyo mijetin tangan gw. trs mentari ikut bantuin mijetin pundak. hanan mijitin kepala. thankyou sekali.
pas pelajaran bahasa indonesia gurunya ga ada. jadi gw bisa tidur. tapi tetep aja gabisa tidur nyenyak. posisinya gaenak. trs berisik. tp gapapalah. yang penting merem. nah trs pas pelajaran kjp gw udah ga konsen sama sekali. mata perih, pusing, kedinginan, badan sakit semua. hm gak karuan. dan gw keselnya pas gw ngomong sm temen sebangku gw si norvin "vin, lo bawa jaket ga? gw kedinginan" dia malah ngomong "hah, segini kedinginan hahahaha ini tuh panas ya panaaas. ga, gw ga bawa hahaha" goblok lo, namanya jg lagi demam gitu elah. kesel gw sm lu, sumpah. lagi sakit dikataiiin mulu. ya sakit mulu lah ya apalah. hhh pergi lo hush hush.
trs pas istirahat kedua gw makan bebeknya tyo berdua sm mentari (krn bayarnya patungan). pas itu gw makannya cm dikit soalnya bener2 ga nafsu. trs pas udahan ajalah, gw blg ke mentari "men gw duluan ya. mau bobo" gw cuci tangan. dan pas itu gw bener2 kedinginan banget. padahal airnya jg ga dingin. tapi rasanya pas kena kulit gw tuh kaya merindiiing gt. trs gw inget argy bawa hoodie. cuma... gimana ya. tapi ya ini kan terpaksa gitu. daripada gw kedinginan tp mesti nyari2 sedangkan gw udah lemes bgt, mending gw pinjem dia. tapi makasih banget ya gy. gw kira lo bakal ga minjemin, ternyata mau minjemin. trs akhinya gw ke meja paling pojok. disitu gw tidur aja. trs tiba2 mentari dtg. ike dateng juga. seneng gw. trs dengan hebohnya mentari megang kepala gw sambil ngomong ke ike "YAAMPUN! ini gw bisa masa telor. ke panas banget" yaampun... ck
trs bel. yah masuk. belajar lagi deh. gw ngumpulin tugas. abis itu gw cuma tidur. soalnya bener2 pusing. trs pas pulang gw balikin hoodienya argy dulu trs langsung pulang. ternyata nyokap gw udah dateng. si mentari daritadi udah nelfon nyokap gw. dia bilang kalo gw panasnya minta ampun. akhirnya nyokap sm bokap gw jemput gw. mereka panik. mentari nganter sampe kabir, dia ada perlu gatau ngapain gw ga denger. trs ketemu oby, dia nganterin sampe depan. eh di gerbang ada nyokap gw. dia nungguin. -.- segitunya. sampe dirumah, gw nangis. bokap gw nanya "kok nangis, nak?" gw jawab "ayah ulangtaun aku malah sakit. maaf yah" bokap gw langsung ngomong "yaallah nak gapapa2".
malemnya gw menggigil. trs bokap gw ngecek temperaturnya, ternyata panas gw 40'c. nyokap sm bokap gw panik. krn seumur umur baru sekali ini gw demam sampe 40'c. trs gw jg gabisa tidur. mau tidur tapi pas giliran udah mau nyenyak malah tidurnya jadi kayak perang. ngerti gak? ya gitudeh pokoknya. jadi ga tenang aja tidurnya. kebangun mulu. besokannya gw ga masuk. trs gw dibawa ke dokter. katanya gw sih kena radang. tp kata dokternya kalo besok gw masih panas, disuruh cek darah. gw dikasih obat juga. gede2. banyak. ah setan lu. eh tapi ampuh. malemnya panas gw jd 38,5. alhamdulillah. tidurnya juga udah lumayan lebih nyenyak sedikit. agak masih kebangun2 sih. terus tadi pagi gw cek temperature lagi. ternyata udah 37,2. wiw. makasih yaallah. gw gajadi cek darah.
gw makin kurus. udah kurus makin kurus. gw sih belom nimbang. cuma udah keliatan, kayaknya turun 2 kilo. gw kangen sekolah. cuma kata dokternya gw disuruh bedrest sampe besok. tapi kayaknya insyaallah bsk gw mau masuk deh. abisnya gw ada ulangan fisika. gaenak kalo tes sendirian. lagian jg kalo bsk ga masuk, tes susulannya jadi numpuk. ah malesin. lagian gw udah bosen dirumah.
gila ya. gw berasa punya badan yang ringkih banget deh. abisnya cuma beda 2 minggu eh gw udah sakit lagi. pengen ganti badan. hhh.
Posted by Syadza Syarifah at 8:20 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
ah males pake inggris2an. kebanyakan salah. posting2an yang sblm ini cuma gaya2an aja pake bahasa inggris hahaha. hmm udah lama ga ngepost yah. yaudadeh gw mau crita. gini critanya...
jumat kmaren gw ke pim. trs gw lagi nyari2 belt kan buat ke sekolah. gw cari di city surf gada yang cocok. trs bokap gw ngajak nyari ke sogo pim 2 aja. akhirnya gw ksana. trs kan gw masuk lewatin lantai yang for men area gitukan. nah trs ngelewatin macbeth. dan lo mesti tau gw ketemu syp... dochi sm aldy kumis pee wee. mreka sm 1 org cowo lagi. gw kira omo soalnya sama2 rada gondrong gt. eeeh taunya pas nengok itu bukan omo. ini jelek. kalo omo ganteng. gw gatau syp. bkn personil pee wee.
oiya lo mesti tau dochi tuh ganteng ya aslinya. tadinya kalo gw liat di youtube poster foto dll (maklum blm liat pee wee manggung live) itu dochi jelek. idungnya kaya kaki gajah. lebar (kaya gw ga lebar aja). ah ga tertarik gw. gw bilang "ha? ga ganteng tau" eh tapi pas liat aslinya... ganteng. yang dulu idungnya suka gw katain selebar pantat sapi tuh ternyata ga selebar itu.
terus gw ketemu 3 kali gitu. di macbeth, societie sm 1 lagi gatau apaan. hm iyalaaah gw tau gw norak sampe beginian doang dipostingin. kampungan. emang gw kampungan mau diapain. tapi gw postingin kaya gini tuh soalnya awalnya gw kira dochi jelek. tapi aslinya. biqien m3lt1ng duech. anjrit apa2an nih hahahaaha najong tralala. ya pokoknya gitulah.
udah ya gw mau pergi dulu. dadah.
Posted by Syadza Syarifah at 12:21 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
freakish fish
look into the picture upper this sentences. is that fish has a normal body? it was not swam. it was dwelt. poor girl fish... she has a freakish body, her body is bandy, so she can't swim frisky and she's so lonely. her friends left her. i met this fish when i was at the restaurant in bandung named "d'palm" and i gave her a name. namely Cesbebo "cewe seksi bengkok body". Cesbebo wanna say goodbye, "Goodbye".
Posted by Syadza Syarifah at 7:04 PM 0 comments
my bestfriends
i have 5 besfriends. and i wanna tell you about them one by one. here there are :
1. AVISSA NADINDRA (VISSA)she's my bestfriend from kindergarten. we learned at the same school but the different grade. she's in 9th grade. and me in 8th grade. she joined acceleration when she was in the grade school. she's so kind and so understand me. "sehidup semati deh" (ga segitunya juga sih) but she's really really awesome.
2. HEIKE ESFANDARI (IKE)i love her really much, not as a lesbian but as a bestfriend ya. she's my bestfriend in 7th grade till now. she is so funny, energic (waw), so kind, and so friendly. we also give an advice each other if we had a problem. this photo i took from my 7th grade album. now, her face is really different.
3. EMIRIA ANDINI (ANDIN)here's andin! is this photo really shocked you? hahahaha it's not her real face. i know her because of ike. ike introduced her to me. and we liked to do conversation each other until we can be like now. bestfriend. she is a batak girl. then, she is so funny and tern but kind (?) hahaha just kidding, she's so kind kok guys. okay, let's we look for the next girl.
4. CHIKITA MEDIKA PUTRI (CHIKITA)this is my pet hahahahahahahaha canda kok chik beneran deh bcandaaaaaa bgt. this is my bestfriend too dong. orang pas gw ulangtaun dia sms gini "happy birthday syadza my bestfriend:)" whereas i don't assume her as my best. just kidding lagiiii. SHE IS MY BESTFRIEND kok. she is so mature and she's so sedate. i miss her because lately, i don't talk with her as much as i talk with my another best.

ok, those are my bestfriends. really really my bestfriends. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. in my heart, they are so meaningful. no one can replaces them in my heart. really.
Posted by Syadza Syarifah at 2:17 AM 2 comments
Saturday, February 7, 2009
sierra cafe
i write this post at sierra cafe, bandung. last month mentari told me about this cafe. did you know mentari? mentari is the one of my bestfriends. she is so great and she is so perfectly awesome. and she is a good recommender. she recommended me about sierra cafe. she said this cafe has a great view. and now, i go to bandung, and i go to sierra cafe that was recommended by mentari. finally, i know why she asked me to go here. truly, this cafe really really has a great view. and the place is cozy. i hope we'll be here together ya men. ly men;)
Posted by Syadza Syarifah at 2:18 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 6, 2009
english and i want international
hi, i don't know, lately i write the posts with an english. but i know my english is so bad. and i had a bad grammar and pronounce. but i always wanna try. and i had an obsession. that i want continue my school to the international senior high so i can make my english better, and i wanna do my college at binus international so i can work outta indonesia. and then, if i could, i would choose pixar as my office. make so many great cartoon. amien.
Posted by Syadza Syarifah at 5:41 PM 0 comments
happy birthday mom :}
today is the birthday of my mom. i write this post from atmosphere, bandung. i celebrate her birthday in bandung. just me, my mother, and my father. we stay here for 3 days. from this morning, till sunday afternoon. now, my mother is getting older. she is 49 years old now. yesterday, me and my father bought two pieces of cakes. cheesecake. but she didn't ate these because she is a diabetic. so these cakes just for symbolic.
here's the things about my mother :
1. she is so kind and she has a big patient
2. she has a great think
3. in my eyes, she is so beautiful
4. she is my father's wife (absolutely)
5. her friends said she is so cute (?)
6. i called her "ibu"
i love her. she is my everything even sometimes she can be so rrrgh... makes me angry. but i still love her. really really love her.
i hope you'll read this mom. bye.
Posted by Syadza Syarifah at 5:26 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
today was so busy
hello, how are you doing? i have a story for you. today, mentari's hair is... (apaya namanya) like a broom. her hair was rolled in the roll comb. can you imagined that? the incident was like this....
when recess time, i ate sandwich beside mentari. and mentari was reading a book. then, yorris came and he brought a roll comb. indeed yorriz has doodlebug hands. so he rolled mentari's hair with a comb hair until the upside. mentari didn't realize with what yorriz having done with her hair. suddenly, yorriz said "oh no! syadza, mentari's hair is get roll! i can't took off it! how is this?" mentari heared that and she was panic and confused. so i helped her. risha and hanim came and they helped her too. but it can't be normally again her hair stuck in the roll comb. the recess was trough. and mrs. eni came. mentari reported mrs. eni that her hair was rolled by yorriz. mrs. eni trying to helped her but she can't. so mrs. eni took mentari to the teachers room. me, hanim and risha followed them and we waited in the teachers room. then, mrs. eni asked me and hanim to found a body lotion or baby oil to make it silk and easier to took off. so me and hanim found it. yolanda given us a body lotion, then we given it to mentari, but it useless. we tried with an oil and powder, but it useless too. me and hanim met tya and informed her that mentari's hair was rolled by yorriz. and she approached mentari.
mrs. eni took us to the BK (bimbingan konseling) room. we tried hard to make it off. but we can't do that. mrs. eni have to taught a class, so she left us. we trying but this increasingly stuck. yorriz came and he begged for an apologize. i forgot mentari said what but yorriz tried to help her. he bought the shampoo and towel for mentari. and he back to the class. the boys were coming and they made some jokes. mrs. eni back and she asked me, tya and the boys to back to the class to take part the lesson. but after the class, we came back to the BK room. and we tried to helped mentari. but no way was successful.
and then, until the second recess time, this was not yet successful. we almost desperated. but we curious. and the recess time has done. BUT THIS WAS NOT YET SUCCESSFUL!!! wow, almost two hours, or possibly more. mrs. eni have to taught a class again and she asked me and tya to came back to our class. but we didn't want. then, we confused. we tried with a shampoo and water so we took mentari to the toilet. this was successful a little, only the thick one that involved serious. so we decide to cut her hair. and we did. yeah! finally it was successful. and we were very very very relieved. fyuh.
Posted by Syadza Syarifah at 4:44 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
panic and my name
i'm panic. why? because i had mathematical homework that must be gathered tomorrow, but my book was left in the school. and my mathematics teacher is sterrrrn! hmmm :(
by the way, i opened one website about the meaning of the names. and i looked for the meaning of my name. evidently the meaning of my name is :
syadza : very smart, fragrant.
syarifah : all the things.
very smart? wow, i speechless when i saw it. truly, i'm not smart.
and how about fragnant? hahahahaha i don't know. i never felt that i am fragnant.
and then about all the things. the meaning of these words is me lead everything. but the reality is i couldn't lead everything, i only could be led by everything.
mmmp i wanna do my homework, okay. see ya.
Posted by Syadza Syarifah at 4:22 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
i changed my header
hahaha i thought my old header was disgusting, wasn't it? look at the picture bellow this sentences :
that's my old header. i took this picture from mentari's blog hehehehe sorry men. because of my header is disgusting, so i decide to changed it. so... voila! my header is changing now.
Posted by Syadza Syarifah at 4:43 AM 0 comments
it's hurt
aaaaw, the left side of my hip is so hurt. i don't know why. it started to be hurts when i was at school. i didn't feel that i got any crashed or anything else. huhuhu it's so huuuurt. and i'm afraid because tomorrow i have a gym class. and the material is floor gymnastic. what can i do? i hope tomorrow my pain will gone. goodbye.
Posted by Syadza Syarifah at 4:04 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 1, 2009
hey! have you seen my blog header???????? is that awesome???? hahahahahahahaahh. they were the shiny stars (what?). do you know them? come oooon. THEY'RE F4. MY FAVOURITE BOYBAND!!!! hahaha just kidding kok ya. if want to know further, check out mentari's blog (click here). i love you too meeen :}
Posted by Syadza Syarifah at 2:55 AM 0 comments